
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Millinery class: Pillbox hat

After my béret, here is the second hat I did for the millinery class.
It's a pillbox hat.

pillbox millinery

The fabric is shinny, so It's not easy to get the real color on picture. I guess the picture below is somehow closer to the real fabric, but een for the eye, this fabric looks more or less dark. But I love it (I'd like to make a bustier out of that!)

Millinery pillbox hat

Here are the steps to make it. You can see the inside Buckram and the metal wire I sew inside (3 wires in all).

pillbox details

The hat looks even better on me. With that on, I'm as glamour as Jacky Kennedy with her pillbox! I have to find a dress to go with, though...


  1. What millinery class did you do? I would like to do one!

  2. Pls what re The materials use to made the hat?

  3. I will like to receive a lessons pls

  4. I will like to receive a lesson pls

  5. I would like to receive a lesson please


  6. I would like to receive a lesson please
