
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Top Simplicity 3956

Last winter in France, I went to a fabric store with my sister KiKou. I was mainly looking for cotton voile fabrics as I haven't found that in my fabric stores here in US(maybe I just wasn't looking where I should have...).
She found this square printed greenish fabric. I wasn't so excited by the print, but she loved it so I decided to buy it.
The long Houstonian summer still there in September, I decided to use the fabric for a Simplicity 3956 tank top. Here's the result:

Simplicity 3956 top

I have been following the tips on Pattern Review: I put the zipper on the side instead of the back. I think it's convenient because you have less pieces to sew and it isn't annoying when you're sitting with your back along a chair.
The bad point about it: the fitting!!! It's really hard to make the top fit properly this way. Mine is a little too wide on the top part of the side, just under arm...
And you have to cut and past some pieces and paying attention for the sewing marges and the front/back of the fabric...

Tank Top Simplicity 3956

The cotton fabric is perfect for hot and humid summer days. The top part is lined so it's not transparent at all.
I like the look even though the bottom hem makes some waves who make the top look kind of large, instead of just falling. It's probably because my fabric is really light weight.

Simplicity 3956 side

Some details from the inside.
I'm proud of the hem 'cause It's just soooo long to make a nice small hem. I would like to know how to use properly my hemmer foot as it would be so simpler! But I tried it for sewing a sleeping bed sheet and it's far from net (I should probably post a picture of the result so you could help me...)!
On the other hand I'm ashamed of the zipper. I really should have put biais all around, because right now, it looks everything but nice from the inside! I might add the biais before next summer

Simplicity 3956 details

Finally, even though the pattern is saying it's easy, it might have been one of the most challenging project I have used so far, maybe because of the change I made for the zipper, maybe because of my fabric, or maybe for the fitting.
But that's the closest thing I've made so far with a from-the-commerce flare, excepted for the sister-of-the-bride dress.

But summer is now gone so I will have to wait until next summer to wear it! Too bad...