
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Snow White Costume, self drafted

In France we're used to costume more or less weirdly the bride-to-be and to make her do fun and crazy stuff for her bachelorette party. It's usually around a theme.
Since KiKou (my sister who is sewing with me on [Kikuyu]) has always been a big fan of all Disney's cartoons, I made a Snow White costume for her:

Snow White Costume
Isn't she a nice princess?

To make it, I used:
- a big old blue shirt (thanks dad!)
- some red fabric leftover
- some white lace trim
- a big polyester satin yellow/gold (I would say 3m (3.1/4 yard) but I'm not sure).
- a model to try on the costume-to-be: Thanks to my mom and youngest sister! (yes, all the family had to contribute for the bride-to-be gift!)

snow white sewing
I bought a black wig and added a red ribbon.
I'm happy with the finish and love the top part which was easy to make and fits greatly due to the cotton knit shirt used!

Oh... And one last thing: Do NOT forget the prince charming to wake up your princess!
snow white self draft pattern


  1. Halloween is coming. You should wear this beautiful princess dress! :D

  2. You're right! I haven't even though about that! But the costume stayed in France. Too Bad! ;)
