
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vogue 8622 Evening wrap

Vogue 8622

To match my bluish-black evening dress, I made Vogue 7161 evening wrap. Since I was afraid the color was too much of a "look at me" style, I decided to make a classy one and choose this Vogue 8622 View C.

evening wrap Vogue 8622

I used a black polyester chiffon.

I love the french seams finish!
When I bought the pattern, I was afraid how seams will look since I don't have a serger. But french seams are fantastic: you just need a regular sewing machine, with straight stitch. And it looks so nice and neat.

You just have to pay attention to start with wrong sides together.
By the way, I made a mistake when making the lower sleeves seam: I haven't noticed how they wanted to put it...
They should be shorter because they should be fold toward the top of the sleeve.
But I finally like how it looks, and this avoid me some hand sewing.

evening wrap Vogue 8622And look around my neck: it's a home-made beads necklace!

A view of the back, with my evening dress:

Neck and bottom pleats were king of annoying to make because of the slippery chiffon.

I like how neck pleats look, but I'm less convinced by the bottom ones.

Here, another picture of the back, over a white top. This way, you can clearly see some french seam.
evening wrap Vogue 8622

I enjoyed sewing it and I love the look, I might wait to find a silk chiffon to do it again.


  1. So chic! You did a great job sewing one of the most difficult fabrics!
    What are you on to sew next?

  2. Thanks!
    I saw you finished the marfy shirt. It looks great on you!
    Me, I finished a buttercup bag today and I plan on making a Simplicity 3956 top. I might start it tomorrow but, if I have the fabric, I still have to find the right lining for it.
